Due to a technical error, we could not process your request. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding. Sorry, the product you selected is not available anymore Order doesn't exist. Please verify order number. Sorry, the mobile number that you used to log on doesn't match the mobile number in your basket. Due to a technical error, we could not process your request. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding. This number is already linked to your BASE account
We couldn't process your request with these data. Please go to a BASE shop where our colleagues will help you out. Thank you for your understanding. We couldn't process your request. Please check the correctness of your (official) address and your date of birth. We couldn't read your eID. Please check your ID card and try again. SIM pack is invalid. SIM pack not found. The given SIM card number doesn’t correspond with the mobile phone number
Your previous choice
{{getSelectedOptionUpFrontCost(product) | customCurrency}}
{{getCombinedSelectedHandsetUpFrontCost() | customCurrency}}

Shipping cost

{{getTotalShippingCost() | customCurrency}}

{{getTotalPayNowCost() | customCurrency}}
(Excl. VAT) (Incl. VAT)

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